Tempers are Often Uncontrolable

Recovery International’s tools are the cognitive behavioral self-help techniques people use to guide themselves through difficult situations. These tools are quoted or adapted from our self-help books Mental Health Through Will Training, Manage Your Fears Manage Your Anger and Selections From Dr. Low’s Works, which you can buy from our online bookstore. Although you will be trained on the use of these self-help tools at meetings, it is important to have the books to more quickly learn them.

The following is a sample of some basic Recovery International tools. Download A Sampling of Tools and Terms, which you will need if you are going to a meeting.

VIDEO: Tempers are Frequently Uncontrolled, But Not Uncontrollable

About othercentered

Computer programmer, former monk, deeply touched by Theology of the Body of John Paul II, and the love of others of Pope Francis. Need to study every day to keep myself other centered. (Joyce Meyer)
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3 Responses to Tempers are Often Uncontrolable

  1. http://www.lowselfhelpsystems.org/system/recovery-international-tools.asp

    Sample Recovery International Tools
    Treat mental health as a business and not as a game.
    Humor is our best friend, temper is our worst enemy.
    If you can’t change a situation, you can change your attitude towards it.
    Be self-led, not symptom-led.
    Nervous symptoms and sensations are distressing but not dangerous.
    Temper is, among other things, blindness to the other side of the story.
    Comfort is a want, not a need.
    There is no right or wrong in the trivialities of every day life.
    Calm begets calm, temper begets temper.
    Don’t take our own dear selves too seriously.
    Feelings should be expressed and temper suppressed.
    Helplessness is not hopelessness.
    Some people have a passion for self-distrust.
    Temper maintains and intensifies symptoms.
    Do things in part acts.
    Endorse yourself for the effort, not only for the performance.
    Have the courage to make a mistake.
    Feelings are not facts.
    Do the things you fear and hate to do.
    Fear is a belief—beliefs can be changed.
    Every act of self-control leads to a sense of self-respect.

  2. “Lucille learned the distinction between the two varieties of pride, the one realistic, the other Illusional.
    –Realistic pride leads to self-respect , repose and relaxation;
    –Illusional pride or vanity to self-torturing, momentary thrill and enduring tenseness. In nervous patients, it leads, in addition, to perpetuation of symptoms.” (MHTWT Mental Health Through Will Training, p. 166, 1997)

    Recovery Inc. Website: http://www.lowselfhelpsystems.org
    Books & Tools: http://www.lowselfhelpsystems.org/system/recovery-international-tools.asp

    • Lord teach me that knowing I have self-worth does not mean attacking others who do not see it. Recovery is a “self help” program and many of those who are hurting me, are struggling with problems themselves ( Joyce Meyer). There are only average people, and I can relate to anyone no matter how exceptional their job description, But to do so with humor, dropping right and wrong when injuries are trivial, willing to make a mistake. and not to take myself so seriously. Thank you, Lord that we can be group minded and help others in their struggle as we work on ours. 🙂

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