Anxiety that binds my gut

Tightening around me like chorded rope
Makes me feel there is no hope.
I use my mind to stop the pain, but
It is no use he laughs like one insane.

I cry out, with a scream, I can’t stand the pain, a hospital won’t cure it, I can’t get it to change…

Jesus my savior, here my prayer, my feet are moving, but feel only air.

Please lord help others, I feel their pain, by focusing on them, it keeps me sane.

I’ve paused now and Mass is done, there is nothing inside now that makes me run. Except one thing quietly i whisper too, is that the kindness to my daughter sees me through.

About othercentered

Computer programmer, former monk, deeply touched by Theology of the Body of John Paul II, and the love of others of Pope Francis. Need to study every day to keep myself other centered. (Joyce Meyer)
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