I Believe in Miracles


Joyce, this is for you. Why I believe God is working powerfully in your life. My novice master once said to me, “God helps Fools and Children, and you are no Child!” I sometimes think when the blessed Mother and Jesus want to have a good laugh, they say, “Let’s send John out again, and see what he does this time!” LOL

Here are a couple of stories to prove this:

God gives Free Tickets to Disney World

When I was in High School my best friend got a van and went out to California. It was hippy time and this was common. While there he got in a little trouble through bad friends who wanted him to experience the darker side of life. I went to Fort Lauderdale to meet him and do “beach evangelism” with Akron University’s IVCF. I never found them, but hooked up with Tom. I put a little card in our hotel room “Just for today, keep us from sin”! We got kicked out of his sister’s room  by the manager (for staying in the closet) and had to move on to our next stop, Disney World. Friends who were sisters, and down there from Akron said they would drive us! The winds started blowing, and with all there luggage on top of the roof two feet high, driving became unsafe. Like Jonah, we said “let us out” and it will be OK. To our surprise, they pulled over and let us out on the highway, giving us some of the fish we caught that day.  There we ate and slept, in the tall grass of the exit ramp. When we woke up we started hitchhiking to Disney. Something came over me, wanting to convert my friend, and I said,  “I am going to pray that the 3rd car gives us a ride!” How bold…

1-2-3 Screeechh and the car stopped. One one fender was a Disney bumper sticker, and on the other it said “Praise the Lord”. We ran up and the man was on his way to work at Disney, drove us past the door for free admission and gave us each $25 in ride tickets he got as a staff person. My friend does not remember this story, but God is good, I had just enough money to take a Greyhound bus home, and wouldn’t have if I paid to go to Disney.  God loved me, when I meant for him to help my friend!

Mom’s Video Niece finds a home in Mother Church

I was applying to join St. Andrew’s Abbey in Cleveland, Ohio.  I had to drive there to visit from the east side of Cleveland and since I always get lost, I got off at the wrong exit and stopped at Mom’s video to ask for help.  The woman behind the counter said to me, “St. Andrew’s Abbey, my uncle is the Abbot there. Abbot Roger Gries.  He has always wanted me to get confirmed in the church!” I was surprised, but learned to never waste a chance to help someone, I said I had a pocket catechism at home and next time I was near, I would bring it to her.  My storage boxes at home were a mess so for some reason I cleaned them that week, and found my last copy of the Knights of Columbus 4-week catechism. I stuck it in my car, for that girl.

Well next week I got lost again, and was sitting in the parking lot too embarassed to go in and ask for directions again. I went in and there she was again.  I gave her the booklet and said “let’s schedule the next 4 weeks for you to get classes at the Abbey.” She agreed, and came to all of them. Abbot Roger confirmed his niece as he had wanted on that Easter Sunday. Strangely I never heard from her again, even though I called her parish to follow-up. I have often prayed for her though. One other non-coincidence, I ended up at Mom’s video after she was confirmed to say, “Hi!”. But she was no longer there. She has quit three days after my last visit, and if I had not asked her then, after my second visit, I never would have had a chance.  It was God’s perfect timing…wow!, he can even use the “lost person” to help a child come home….


About othercentered

Computer programmer, former monk, deeply touched by Theology of the Body of John Paul II, and the love of others of Pope Francis. Need to study every day to keep myself other centered. (Joyce Meyer)
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